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Homeless project - City shell

City shell wants to become a mechanism of integration and social-consciousness rasing about homeless people. Throughout the positioning of some urban furniture related to our shelter we are looking for the approval of these people by the general population.

The piece consists of a dropdown crate which works as a backpack and a bench during the day, whereas at night it turns into a covered and protected bed. It is surrounded by fabric walls full of pockets where personal belongings could be saved, being a basic nomadic home.

" Well, here's your box. Nearly everything I have is in it, and it is not full. Pain and excitement are in it, and feelings good or bad and evil thoughts and good thoughts - The pleasure of design and some despair and the indescribable joy of creation. And on top of these are all the gratitude and love I have for you. And still the box is not full. "

John Steinbeck

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